4 Easy Ways to Enhance Your CV

With competition for jobs in the security field higher than ever, you application really needs to stand out. Below are 4 quick and easy ways you can instantly boost your CV to make you stand out above the rest.

1) Have a well designed CV – This is one of the first thing that hiring managers will notice and given that many only have a minute or two to review your CV, a well designed CV can make the difference between them taking the time or read your CV or not.

2) Only contain the essential information – Related to time, contain only the relevant information in your application. This can really help hiring managers with their job and as well as make you stand out as a specialist in your chosen field. Are you applying for an analyst role? You probably don’t need to put your primary school or your time working in a bar as relevant details to show! If you don’t have so much experience, think about doing a skills based, rather than experienced, based CV. Another big one is, if a cover letter is needed, include it. It is amazing how many people forget to do this and instantly cause their application to be rejected.

3) Add extra qualifications – Setting aside the intellectual benefit of new qualifications, doing a short course can really help make your CV stand out for the crowd. It can also highlight your interest in the field. It is especially great if the courses or qualification is free and can be done over a short space of time. For a list of these, see our Resources Page

4) Join a Security Institution – Joining certain security bodies or institutes can give your CV an extra boost. In addition to highlighting your interest in security, it can also expose you to a network of professionals that can help you in your journey in security. For a list of these, see our Resources Page

While the above list is not exhaustive, following these traits can go some way in helping you with your application standing out.

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