5 Ways To Make A Stronger Application For A Security Role

The security field for graduates is highly competitive. Just a quick look on LinkedIn job openings highlights this, 162 applicants for an analyst role here, 124 applicants for a security consultant role there. Because of this, as a potential candidate, you need to really standout when applying for a job. The below list provides you with 5 top tips to make your application stronger when applying for a security role.

 1) Have a Masters degree / additional qualifications – More and more roles are now stating Masters degrees as a minimum requirement. With the field more competitive than ever, this could be the difference between getting an interview or not. Already have a Masters degree or cannot do one? Then look at boosting your academic qualifications and knowledge with short courses or certificates.  For a list additional qualifications, both free and paid, see our Additional Qualifications Page

2) Speak a language – preferably an exotic one such as Arabic or Russian. You don’t have to be fluent, but demonstrating even a basic ability at a language, and on the ground experience with it, can help add weight to your application. For a list of useful language schools to study Arabic, Mandarin and Russian, see our dedicated Language Schools Page

3) Demonstrate experience – Candidates are now required more and more to have demonstrated experience in the field that they are applying to, in addition to just an interest. A short internship or work experience can really help you get ahead of other applications. For more information on companies that provide internships see our Careers Page or follow us on Twitter for regular internship postings.

4) Make sure your CV and Cover Letter is up to scratch – Sounds simple but have you streamlined and tailored your CV to the role that you are applying to? Have you also had someone else check it for you? Is your CV well designed? Does it cover the relevant information, rather than all information? These can really make a difference to your application.

5) Have a good writing sample – Writing reports in the security world is often different from university writing. While a chapter of your dissertation is adequate, if you can show you have written for a different audience and adapted your writing skills since university, this can make your application truly stand out. Perhaps you can look at getting a short newspaper article published, or even writing a short article yourself, answering a self imposed question?

While the above list is not exhaustive, coming from someone who has reviewed a lot of applications, even demonstrating one of these traits can really help your application stand out. At a minimum, you could take the above list as the standard that is fast becoming expected from student and graduate applicants in the security field.

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